
Current Declines Situation

Most common reason for declines and ways we can help:

Business For Self (BFS) Up-to 85% LTV

Does not meet Debt Ratio requirements

Blemished Credit History

Unpaid personal taxes

What we do

We try to understand why the client was declined(e.g.self-employed, has multiple properties, poor credit, or unpaid taxes). We find short-term solutions for YOUR clients so that you can approve them at Scotia Bank.

Win, Win, Win

Help your clients with a home purchase whether they are self-employed, or have bruised credit, or multiply properties. You can help!

If your clients need or would like to refinance, you can help. Whether it is for investment purposes, renovations, debt consolidation, or to help repair and restore good credit. You can help.

Agents and referral sources will be glad you were able to provide solutions for the clients and help close the deal.

Advantages to you: continuing to be a valued partner for your referral sources . Client satisfaction. Be compensated for the file. Most importantly, help so you can resubmit the file to Scotia in as little as 9 months.

Example: A self-employed, Scotia client was declined due to personal taxes owing to both the Revenue Quebec and Canada Revenue Agency. We submitted the loan to Equitable Bank. File was approved and funded within 4 weeks for a 1yr term at 3.59%.

9 months later we called the branch to have them resubmit for approval. File was approved and funded on the maturity date. The client was extremely satisfied with Scotia as they were able to provide the client with an alternative solution.

Our commitment to you :

YOUR clients are your clients

To contact your client the same day we receive the lead

To provide high-quality, customer service to your clients

To provide you regular progress updates until the deal is funded

To submit the mortgage application ONLY to non-bank lenders: Home Trust, Equitable, Merix/Lendwise, Paradigm Quest, MCAP, First National

To help find a short-term solution so that you can reapprove them at Scotia.

Your referral sources are YOUR referral sources. We will never solicit them. We will always refer them back to you.

Meet the Team

David Nataf

Chartered Mortgage Broker


Michael Noik

Chartered Mortgage Broker


Laurent Levy

Chartered Mortgage Broker



4845 Jean-Talon St W, Montreal, QC H4P 1W7



Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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